Terms of use
MenageaQuatre.com is an adult website. Users must be 19 years of age or older to use the site and by accepting the Terms of Service users acknowledge that they are above the age of 19 and agree to all of the conditions below.
The site is to be used exclusively for the promotion and betterment of ClubM4 and or Menage a Quatre Social Club.
The information utilized by the Club is provided solely by the Member, without independent verification by ClubM4 For that reason, all members acknowledge and agree that the information they provide shall be honest and accurate as to his or her personal details. Each member acknowledges and agrees that any information he or she submits to ClubM4 for publication can be used, unconditionally, by ClubM4
Pursuant to the above ClubM4 and its designees reserves the right to email its members at its discretion including using other members to send messages promoting the club or events at the club. If you request to be removed from the mailer list your profile will be deleted as this is one of the terms of use.
Members acknowledge and consent to the random monitoring of members transmissions by ClubM4, to attempt to ensure compliance by the members with the Code of Conduct. This shall not be meant to be a guaranty by ClubM4, as monitoring all transmissions would not be feasible or practical.
Users are expressly prohibited from using the site to promote other commercial or noncommercial events which compete with ClubM4. Including soliciting other members to attend other clubs, parties, house/hotel parties or other websites.
Abusive behavior including but not limited to racial slurs, gender slurs, homophobia and general intolerance of the right of other members to express themselves sexually and in other ways will have a zero tolerance. Such bad behavior is not limited to the site. Should management , in its sole discretion, decide that the behavior of any individual does not meet the standards described down above, it shall have the right to suspend or terminate any account without notice or appeal. Spamming copy & paste messages and contacting people not looking for what they have specified on their profile would also subject a member to be suspended. Personal Messages are the best way the avoid suspension and also gives members a better chance for a reply and a hook-up. Any illegal activity including solicitation or will not be tolerated on this site and will lead to immediate suspension.
All photos on our site, whether owned by the club or personal photos, are not to be copied by any means including screen shots and cannot be used anywhere without the written consent of the owner of the photo. Any reported stolen photos or those posted without permission will result in immediate and permanent suspension. If you post a photo with anyone else in that image you must have written permission. Single Males cannot post female photos in their profile, nor can a single female post a male pic in their profile.
Membership in the website is conditional upon complying with the terms and conditions as set forth above. Management may suspend or terminate any profile at its sole discretion. There is no appeal.
Users agree to hold the site, management and the Club harmless for any injuries or breaches directly or indirectly related to the use of this website.
Management reserves the right to modify the terms of services without notice or limitation.